One-Visit Root Canals in Salt Lake City
Our Root Canal procedure
Before recommending a root canal, we collect a thorough dental history of the patient and perform an examination including digital x-rays. This aids in the accurate diagnosis of any tooth that may need a root canal.
Our root canals are fast and comfortable thanks to the use of motorized rotary instruments and local anesthetic. We use motorized rotary files to perform root canals in one visit, often in less than hour. Traditionally root canals are done using a hand file, which has the possibility of breaking inside the tooth. With the motorized rotary tool, root canals are fast and more comfortable than old-fashioned drilling.
What are the symptoms of a tooth that needs a root canal?
- Moderate to severe lingering toothache, which may be throbbing, when having hot or cold foods.
- Toothache pain so intense it wakes you up at night.
- Pain when chewing or biting.
- Swelling on your gum which when pressed may release blood or pus.
- Pain that starts in one tooth and spreads to other regions of the jaw or head e.g. an infected lower molar (back tooth) may cause you to feel pain in the ear!
Sometimes, however, there may be no symptoms.